Welcome to our Press Page! Here, you'll find an array of information at your fingertips. We've provided some media, facts, and a section dedicated to what makes our purpose to reach others for Christ unique.
Contact Us, if you have any additional requests for information.
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WayFM Mission Statement
Using media in a culturally relevant way to influence this generation to love and follow Jesus
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Our Core Values
Founded in 1987 as an outreach to youth and young adults, we remain committed to that cause. Our Core Values are our commitment to unchanging beliefs and represent how we live while working toward our mission.
View our Core Values Here
Where did it all Start?
Bob and Felice were inspired to provide young people with a Christian music alternative that would continue to help minister to them. At the time, nothing of the sort had existed. The night that the Augsburgs were coming back from a Christian concert, Felice asked Bob, "Why can't we start a station of our own?"
Read the WayFM Story
We Recently Celebrated 25 Years of Radio!
God has used WayFM to reach and minister to many individuals over the time it has been on the air. Thanks to the many gifts from other faithful listeners, WAY has been able to expand into many different cities across the United States and even onto many online platforms as well.
Read President Bob Augsburg's Message to Listeners
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If you're writing a story about us, or just want to promote us somehow, here are some images for you to use. Just click on the image you want, and it should download for you. Â And, oh yeah, please don't misuse them.
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WayFM Logo

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The Wally Show Logo

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WAY Media Logo

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