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Afternoons with Bekah

Here's What's New on WayFM

Posted 3 months ago - Jan 8, 2025

From: Bekah

Discovering new music can be a fun but daunting process. We want to make it easier by providing a list of the newest songs on WayFM and the meaning behind the music from the artists themselves!

Matthew West - Unashamed

"I wrote this song as a reminder that someday, we're gonna stand before the Lord. And I know we wanna hear Him say, 'Well done." Well, I wanna be like Daniel--I wanna stand up for Jesus in this life until He calls me home and I stand before Jesus in eternity." 

Leanna Crawford - Still Waters (Psalm 23)

"Psalm 23 is the passage I say to myself when I'm feeling anxious. When I'm walking through a dark valley, I remember that the Lord is my shepherd, He makes me lie down in green pastures, He leads me beside still waters." 

Jeremy Camp - Again

"This song really just speaks to  those of us who feel like....how can God continue to forgive me over and over again? He just reminds me that His grace is sufficient." 

Jordan Feliz - Praise God for That

"This song is all about how much gratitude and acknowledging the blessings God has given us, no matter how small or large, can change the perspective of your mentality every day."

Andrew Ripp – Loves Got a Way

“I can’t think of a more powerful tool that God has given to us than love, and who displayed it better than Jesus did on the cross? When people do us wrong….we can respond out of a way of love rather than retaliation and hate. It’s the most beautiful gift that we have to share, and it represents Jesus.”

Anne Wilson with Chris Tomlin – The Cross

“The cross feels like it’s more than just a song to me. It’s an invitation. Anyone who’s ever felt weighed down or weary from trying to make their way through life….we can bring all of that to the cross.”

for KING & COUNTRY with Michael W. Smith – Place in This World

Michael W. Smith on writing the song in 1990: “I read a lot of letters back in the day. One of those letters was so desperate, at the end, she said, “I’m just trying to find my place in this world. That sparked something that stirred inside of me, the melody fell out of the sky, and I guess the rest is history.”

Jamie MacDonalds – Desperate

“The story behind the song ‘Desperate’ is giving language to a time in your life where you need God the most and expressing how you truly feel and not being afraid to use language of desperation.”

Katy Nicole – When I Fall

“At the time of writing this song, I just wept at my piano, and I cried out feeling so mentally, spiritually, and physically drained. The words I sang were the words I was praying in that moment. I just decided to be honest with myself and with God. I was so tired of trying just to be ok. God met me exactly where I was at, and I felt so much peace in just bringing all that I am to the feet of Jesus.”

Brandon Lake – Hard Fought Hallelujah

"All of us are going through seasons from time to time that are so incredibly difficult to worship through and to praise through. But I believe that worship is a weapon, and when you lift up 'hallelujah' in the hardest fought season, there's something that God does."

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