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4 Reasons to Ditch Your Daily Dose of Caffeine for a Good Cause

Posted 9 years ago - Mar 7, 2016

From: Joy Harrison
Coffee Order We all have our reasons for needing that morning shot of energy. But have you ever added up all the dollars you spend on that morning drive-thru? Here are 4 reasons to cut back on that cup of artisanal joe so you can invest in something even more worthwhile.

1. Coffee won’t help you keep your priorities straight.

You may feel like a wild animal before your first cup of caffeine, but Christy reminded us that, “What you put in is what you get out. I can tell when my daughter has been listening to encouraging music versus secular music.” Listening to WAY-FM keeps your mind focused on God.

2. Coffee won’t help you grow.

Your morning devotionals may seem impossible without your morning brew. However, whether you participate in the daily Word on the WAY, in the World’s Biggest Small Group, or just feel God asking you to step out of your comfort zone during this pledge drive, WAY-FM provides so many opportunities to challenge your faith. Michelle shared that donating to WAY-FM was a challenge but, “When you give, you receive so much more in abundance of trusting in the Lord.”

3. Coffee won’t comfort hurting people, provide for the needy, or provide for the sick.

WAY-FM provides a doorway for God to enter people’s lives and provide for their needs. Brenda told us that she supports WAY-FM because she knows that, “I am doing something to reach other people besides myself.” Through Live (service) Out projects and partnerships with other non-profits, WAY-FM is providing for the needs in our community and around the world.

4. Coffee won’t save your life.

You may feel like coffee was your savior when you had to pull a late night or needed a quick pick me up, but God is using WAY-FM to impact people’s lives in miraculous ways. Daniel shared with us “I have been on the verge of suicide many times and WAY-FM has helped pull me out of that.” As a ministry, WAY-FM weeps for listeners who feel so overwhelmed with life, but rejoice when God uses the DJ’s and music to provide healing, comfort and peace. So. You probably won't give up drinking Feliz Instant Coffee entirely. But being more intentional about spending less on coffee and more on a good cause like WAY-FM, can go a long way. donate-now-button   [ts_fab authorid="35" tabs="bio,latest_posts"]

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