I must confess that I am your usual suspect Type A. I am a multi-tasking, like to get things done, leader and administrator type. These traits are great for running a home, being a career woman, serving in ministries, but not so much for the fun mom category.
This realization hit my heart hard as my 9 year old labeled me the not-so-fun mom. Even at my age, labels hurt! This piercing wound made me re-evaluate that maybe she’s right. This led me on my journey on “How” to be a fun mom?
Seek Wisdom
Motherhood is not easy. The list of tasks is never ending. I have found the three most important tools in a mom’s belt is a Spiritual Accountability group, God’s Word and Prayer. I began searching for evidence to disprove this uncomfortable label of the not-so-fun mom. As I was pouring my heart out to my spiritual accountability group, a dear friend reminded me that I had rode an inner tube a month before across the bay with my girls bouncing up and down and not so many moms engage in that activity. I was so thankful for this reminder and affirmation.
Ask for His Anointing Joy
My heart was still heavy and I prayed for more clarity on how to be a fun mom. The Holy Spirit whispered two words to me “Anointing Joy” that I remembered reading in the book of Hebrews.
“He has set me above my companions by anointing me with the oil of joy.” Hebrews 1:9 ESV
See, friend, even though we may have a type A personality, we still have access to His anointing joy that is available to us. I continue to study verses on His joy when I find:
“I have spoken these things to you so that my joy may be in you and your joy may be complete.” John 15:11 ESV
“Now may the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you believe in Him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.” Romans 15:13 ESV
The word “overflow” stops me in my tracks. Overflow means “to run over, swell, abundance, abound and exuberance.” That’s it . . . I want this anointing joy that God promises to me to overflow abundantly out of me and flood on to my girls and others.
Be Present
I set out on an adventure to Skate World with my 6 year old and her play date. With the flashing lights and a disco ball, I was immediately back to being 10 years old. So I thought I would show my girl my old school 80’s skate moves. As my back wheel got caught in one of my spins, I had a hideous fall flat on my lower back. I really thought someone was going to have to come and pick me up. I saw people’s faces. They were worried. My daughter was scared. I managed to get up. I had the mind of a 10 year old, but not the body of one! Note to self . . . don’t put iPhone in back pocket while roller skating, or you’ll get a cracked IPhone face. I am so glad I can laugh at myself as I got up and continued to skate for the next hour. I had FUN! I had overflowing, anointing joy!
[tweetthis]I am making a pledge that I don’t want to be the efficient mom. I want to be the present mom.[/tweetthis]
I realize this fun thing is not how we are all bent. It takes intentionality and sometimes it will not feel fun until later, when we can forget about the to do list and enjoy the moment. I am making a pledge that I don’t want to be the efficient mom. I want to be the present mom. I want to be able to set things aside and enjoy precious moments with my kids. My kids will not treasure my efficiency, but the fun times and my love for Jesus.
Will you make this pledge with me? Enjoy those precious moments with your kids and be a fun mom!
(Photo by donnyrayjones)
(Lacie also writes at thefaithfulfive.com)
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