Here's Why Husbands Need to Go Home and Love Their Wives
Posted 9 years ago - Feb 21, 2016
From: CarlosI love what Pastor Voddie Baucham had to say when it came to loving your wife as you're biblically commanded to.
Pastor Baucham said, "It is absolutely inexcusable for a man who follows Christ to stop loving his wife."Remembering that love is an act of the will, that it is a choice, has been pivotal in my marriage. Love is not devoid of emotion and neither is it led by it, it is accompanied by emotion but it is still a choice first. Per your request here is the full audio piece we used from Pastor Voddie Baucham. Enjoy it! And Husbands, go home and love your wives! [fluidvideo url=""] [ts_fab authorid="132" tabs="bio,twitter,latest_posts"]