Every email that comes from WayFM reflects our messaging, branding, and purpose. Using one simple branded email signature across WayFM helps strengthen our brand.
In order to give you the flexibility to customize your signature while still maintaining brand identity, the following guidelines apply.
There are 3 email templates:Â
A: WayFM with Frequencies
You can choose to feature your local WayFM logo with your frequencies.B: Standard WayFM
If your region has more than two frequencies you can use the generic logo and we'll incorporate your frequencies within the signature. This is a great option for regional managers & stations like Colorado who have multiple frequencies.C: WAY Nation & Standard WayFM Hybrid
You can choose to use the standard WayFM logo with the WAY Nation logo. This is perfect for people who work for the network. These are the main elements that make up your signature.- Name
- Title
- Address
- Phone Number
- Extension
- Email Address
- Website
- Social Icons
- Logo
- Photo:
- Customizable Banners: