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5 Ways You Can Thrive

Posted 11 years ago - Jun 29, 2014

From: WAY-FM
CC_Main_Thrive Whether you're in a hard, dry place in life, or you feel like you're on top of the world, this message is for you. The latest song from Casting Crowns called, "Thrive," reminds us we were all made to thrive. Here's 5 take-aways from the song that show us how to start thriving.

1. Understand that sometimes dreams die.

Things don't always turn out the way we want them to. Countless men and women in God's Word had terrible circumstances thrown at them, but they kept believing and moving forward. The beauty is found in the way God shows up in the midst of those circumstances. Sometimes we don't see it until the end, so hang in there! God is on the move!
"Dear brothers and sisters, when troubles of any kind come your way, consider it an opportunity for great joy. For you know that when your faith is tested, your endurance has a chance to grow. So let it grow, for when your endurance is fully developed, you will be perfect and complete, needing nothing." James 1:12

2. Know we were made for much more than this life.

There's a lot of good in this world, but we don't belong here. (John 15:19) We were made to look forward to the future of being a new heaven and new earth with Jesus. Once we get our mind off of the world and focus on God, we start living life more vibrantly.

3. Dig deep and reach out.

Know how to get your mind off the world and onto God's kingdom? Dig deeper into His Word. When's the last time you picked up the Bible for yourself and really let the words sink in and change you? Once you're digging into God's Word, you'll find yourself wanting to reach out and share God's goodness and truth with others - even in the simplest ways. This is how we begin to thrive.

4. Make God your one desire.

God's Word should be our delight(Psalm 37:4) Once we start digging deeper into God's Word, we can't get enough of it. We should desire God's presence and in our lives more than anything else.

5. Live life to the fullest - thrive!

Living life should be beautiful! Yes, there will be bad times, but keep the faith! God has called us to live a life of joy and delight because He is with us and working in our world. Isn't it about time you stopped surviving and started thriving? Be reminded to thrive by the lyric video to the song by Casting Crowns: [fluidvideo url="//www.youtube.com/embed/qQ71RWJhS_M" frameborder="0"]

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