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Britt Nicole Sings the Perfect Song for Days When You Feel Inadequate

Posted 9 years ago - Aug 26, 2016

From: Rebie WAY-FM
Britt Nicole's new song "Through Your Eyes" might just change your entire day. Or year, for that matter. In a moment of feeling completely inadequate, God reminded her of a very important truth. That's when she wrote this song. [fluidvideo url="https://www.youtube.com/embed/5MIWHb7JvE4"]   Britt says, "I remember getting in the car and taking hold of the steering wheel and putting my head down. And just saying to myself, 'Britt, you've got to get it together...' I kept putting myself down and comparing myself. And I felt God meet me right there in that moment. I felt Him come into my car right there sitting in my garage and I felt Him lift up my head... So many times we walk through life with our head down because we're not proud of ourselves... we put pressure on ourselves to be the best. Even in our walk with God, we put pressure on ourselves. And I remember that morning feeling like, 'Man, I'm just not doing good enough.' And it was so kind of Him to just lift up my head and say, 'Britt, you're ok. I love you and I'm with you and I'm for you.' It was so simple, but it changed my day... and it changed my life because I am starting to finally see myself through His eyes. That I'm not perfect - I never will be - but  He loves me. And that is who Jesus is. " Hear the full story behind the song straight from Britt in the video below! [fluidvideo url="https://www.youtube.com/embed/sL8ZpJFB2kw"]   This song has meant a lot to me. I hope you're encouraged by it, too. [ts_fab authorid="83" tabs="bio,latest_posts"]

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