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Discover the Secret to Building Christ's Kingdom

Posted 11 years ago - Jul 22, 2014

From: WAY-FM
"We can do no great things, only small things with great love." - Mother Theresa
jasongrayimg Jason Gray is convinced that anything from building homes for the poor to doing laundry in your own home can build Christ's Kingdom. If you're doing something out of love, then you're advancing Christ's Kingdom and His beautiful message. It can be easy for Christians to feel like they're just passing through. It's easy to think things around us don't matter since we're leaving it all behind. But not Jason. He's inspired by looking at things in this world from an eternal perspective. That's what his song, "With Every Act of Love," is all about.
"The Gospel is clearly a theology of engagement, restoration, and redemption... We are invited to play a part of the Kingdom coming right now, right here with every act of love we do." - Jason Gray
Jason can tell you the whole story behind "With Every Act of Love" right here in this short video. [fluidvideo url="//www.youtube.com/embed/iobGCcBEgo8"] Looking at the world through God's eyes gives life a whole new richness and meaning. Give it a try! Here's the official music video to "With Every Act of Love" by Jason Gray! [fluidvideo url="//www.youtube.com/embed/3q7xnR9E3go"]  

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