How You Can Become a Twitter Rockstar Like Jonny Diaz
Posted 10 years ago - Nov 18, 2014
From: Rebie WAY-FM1. Provide Inspirational Quotes
I'm a firm believer in working hard towards a goal. But, if you don't smile on the journey, you rarely find one at the destination.
— Jonny Diaz (@jonnydiaz) November 11, 2014
2. Quote Yourself
Here, Jonny quoted one of his own songs. This may seem odd at first, but to us, it means he really believes in what he wrote. And that's pretty great.
They remind us of where we have been, but not who we are....praise God we don't have to hide scars. #youcanquoteyourownsongright — Jonny Diaz (@jonnydiaz) November 7, 2014
3. Let people know that you just "get" it.
We know these struggles mean very little in the long run, but who hasn't had these thoughts, right?How did the first person who made cookie dough not just say, "it's perfect...done!"
— Jonny Diaz (@jonnydiaz) November 4, 2014
"Not yet Not yet Not yet Not yet EAT ME NOW! Awwww...too late." - Avocados
— Jonny Diaz (@jonnydiaz) September 30, 2014
4. Provide helpful tips!
Taking a mental note to remember this next time we book a flight!Pro tip: don't sit in the front 5 rows (of larger planes). The plane gets skinnier, so you have even less room!
— Jonny Diaz (@jonnydiaz) September 20, 2014
5. Put a creative twist on a fun picture!
And for bonus points, incorporate your cute pet. :)
I don't mind that Bodie wants to be Batman every year for Halloween. But, it bothers me that he insists I be Robin. — Jonny Diaz (@jonnydiaz) October 27, 2014
6. Use what happens in everyday life.
Include a conversation!Wife (disappointedly)- Ur gonna wear that? Me- doesn't look good? Wife- it looks great! Which means that now I have to change to keep up.
— Jonny Diaz (@jonnydiaz) September 17, 2014
Or turn embarrassing moments into awesome tweets!
I used to try to not do anything stupid. Now I just think, I could tweet that!
— Jonny Diaz (@jonnydiaz) September 18, 2014
Whether you become a Twitter rockstar or not, you can always read great tweets from people like Jonny! Follow Jonny Diaz on Twitter, along with all our WAY-FM artists!