I Survived a Week Without Pasta
Posted 8 years ago - Apr 13, 2017
From: BekahI am thrilled to say that I've officially reached the halfway mark of the "Bekah Try-It Diet!" I've stuck to it with no minimal complaints, and I'm genuinely feeling better because of it.
At the beginning of my Paleo diet for week #2, I had no idea that I'd be in such good company! When I wrote about my plans for eating paleo for a week, I was flooded with the best recipes and tips from those brave enough to go before me. The real secret to paleo? Pinterest. Pinterest. Pinterest.
The one on the left is paleo-friendly, and it was delicious! I told them it was fine to put it in the same box as the donut for my husband. I was hoping the paleo donut could absorb some added sugar from the "real" donut.
I also found a new favorite recipe for any week, whether I'm dieting or not: eggs in avocado.
Here's the easy recipe:
The hardest part of all may have been choosing to say, "no" to certain things. To all of my celiac friends who have to say no, I feel for you. If we are ever dining together, please tell me that Olive Garden just doesn't work!
What Was Easy
Because of the awesome advice at the beginning of the week, I was set up well for success. Day #2 and craving sweets? No worries! One of our local bakeries has paleo donuts!This will be my new go-to whenever avocados are on sale. Who needs toast?
- Preheat oven to 425.
- Place avocados in an oven-safe dish (I recommend foil, because the egg whites spill over!).
- Scoop out the insides of the avocado (I saved them for later to eat with the finished product.)
- Crack a small egg into each half of the avocado.
- Place in oven for 10-15 minutes, or until desired done-ness is achieved. Season with salt and pepper.