Needtobreathe Performs Not-Your-Ordinary Campfire Song
Posted 11 years ago - Sep 1, 2014
From: WAY-FMLike many of us, the band Needtobreathe must enjoy the outdoors and sitting around a campfire with loved ones. Their latest video shows some real talent as they play the song, "Multiplied" around a campfire. It reminds us of the beauty of God's love and the warmth of the upcoming season before us.
It's September, the kids are officially back to school, and Labor Day is here so go ahead. You can start getting a little bit excited about fall weather, crunching leaves, campfires, and pumpkin spice lattes. ;)
And God is always good.
"Your love is like radiant diamonds." - Needtobreath[fluidvideo url="//"]