See the Instagram Photo That Perfectly Sums Up tobyMac
Posted 8 years ago - Aug 9, 2017
From: Rebie WAY-FMThis post from tobyMac sums him up quite well. It's a picture of his Gotee Records' 20th anniversary mug and the saying that goes with it.
It says, "A little older, a little wiser... but still funky." Toby started Gotee Records with two friends back in 1994! He was still in dcTalk at the time, but since then the label has launched a diverse group of artists including Relient K, Jennifer Knapp, Sonicflood, Family Force 5, Jamie Grace and more recently, Capital Kings, Finding Favour, Hollyn and Ryan Stevenson. Here's a recent performance of "Funky Jesus Music" (released in 2010,) but performed with Hollyn, one of toby's new protégées. [fluidvideo url=""]