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The Devil Doesn't Want You to Read This Blog

Posted 11 years ago - Jul 19, 2014

From: WAY-FM
"Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need. So don’t worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will bring its own worries. Today’s trouble is enough for today." - Matthew 6:33-34
When Rend Collective noticed the Church had stopped praying for revival, they had to ask why. They remembered hearing praying for God to move like He did in the days of old, then seeing people feel disappointed when nothing dramatic happened. The Church didn't see the answer to prayer like they expected so they thought it didn't work and stopped praying for the Holy Spirit to move. The band believes we should keep praying for revival, but our attitudes may need to change. That's one of the ideas behind their song, "Build Your Kingdom Here."
"This song came from a place of calling the Church back to the place of praying for revival. I feel like we've matured, and we must mature beyond just asking for God to come and do stuff. Jesus sent the disciples out in twos to proclaim the Kingdom. It seems the more mature approach is, yes, pray for God to build His Kingdom here, but also say, yes God, I'll be the hands and feet and I'll be the vehicle for Him to build His Kingdom." - Gareth Gilkeson from Rend Collective
Just because God doesn't show up in the way you expected, don't you dare give up! That's exactly what our enemy wants us to do. Keep asking God to build His Kingdom right here. Get excited about allowing God to use you to build His Kingdom here. And keep an eye out - you'll see the Holy Spirit move in the most incredible ways sometimes where you least expect it! The official music video to "Build Your Kingdom Here" by Rend Collective reminds us of these truths in a way full of vibrance and creativity. Check it out right here! [fluidvideo url="//www.youtube.com/embed/sbdJXKqVgtg"]

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