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This Lauren Daigle Video is the Most Hopeful Thing You've Seen All Day.

Posted 8 years ago - Sep 28, 2016

From: WAY-FM
You've heard Lauren Daigle sing "How Can It Be," but have you seen her get this real? She shares a story of struggling in her own life, then drops some serious truth about how to keep your mind focused on what matters. Lauren made this video for the World's Biggest Small Group a couple years back, but we still get comments about how this video is blessing people today. [fluidvideo url="https://www.youtube.com/embed/_mg0tFUbeNo"]   Lauren uses this verse:
"And now, dear brothers and sisters, one final thing. Fix your thoughts on what is true, and honorable, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable. Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise." - Philippians 4:8
After talking about her personal struggle with keeping her mind in the right place, she says, "Don't look at [your] problem as so monumental and huge. Instead... turn your eyes to Jesus and say, "God, you are way bigger and when I start thinking about YOU... my mind is automatically going to be in the right place." Grab a cup of tea, hang out with Jesus! Sow seeds in the quiet times with the Lord and let Him begin to focus you on the things of heaven - not of this earth. [tweetthis twitter_handles="@Lauren_Daigle, @wayfmradio"]Grab a cup of tea, hang out with Jesus! He's bigger than your failures.[/tweetthis] The enemy will come and try to distract us... He'll try to fill our mind with... all these things that aren't bad in themselves, but are a tool to distract us. And whenever these distractions come up... immediately self check and say, "Wait a second. Is this a thought that is honorable, that's lovely, that's pure, that's excellent... does this thought perpetuate goodness? Or is this a thought that leads to destruction?" And if it's a thought that leads to destruction, don't make it over the top monumental. Don't give it even more power by being so concerned about it. Instead, just turn your eyes to Jesus and say, "Ok, Lord. I'm all yours! I just want to set my mind on things you want me to." Who is Jesus? He is love. Do something for someone that shows them love. Who is Jesus? He is righteous. Don't get in the way of gossip and malice. Who is Jesus? He is hope. Go show someone hope today." Want more encouraging stories and videos like this one? Join the World's Biggest Small Group! The next series starts Monday, October 3, 2016!
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