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This Chris Tomlin Song Will Remind You What Good Friday is All About

Posted 8 years ago - Apr 13, 2017

From: Rebie WAY-FM
"Where your love ran red and our sin washed white" "You know, you feel like you've sung every way to sing about the cross that you can, then a line like that comes along and you just see it all brand new again." That's Chris Tomlin talking about the song, "At the Cross (Love Ran Red.) While writing it, and now while singing it, the reason we celebrate Good Friday and Easter weekend became more and more clear in a new way. [fluidvideo url="https://www.youtube.com/embed/ORyXT2ZRwUE"]   He continues, saying, "I don't think you can sing enough about the cross... It's everything. It is the center of our worship. It is the way we approach God. The whole reason we can worship, the whole reason we have a song, the whole reason we have something to say to God, that hope in our hearts - it's because of the cross and what Jesus has done... Here comes Jesus... as the final sacrifice for our sins before God - that we could even approach this holy, amazing God - and I think about the blood running down His face from the crown of thorns...  it says in Hebrews, "There is no forgiveness of sins without the shedding of blood..." And here's Jesus as a sacrifice for all of us. And where Your love ran red, it just washed us white. And so today, you and I are white as snow before God because of the love of God and the blood of Jesus and that's powerful. We're not boasting in any of us. We're not saying look at ourselves. We're saying look at the cross. Here my hope is found." [fluidvideo url="https://www.youtube.com/embed/1XwwC4nn-RQ"]   As you reflect on Christ's death - His blood, His suffering, and His sacrifice on this Good Friday - let this song seep into your heart. This is what Jesus did for you. This is the reason the world has hope.  We can never praise God enough. [tweetthis twitter_handles="@christomlin, @wayfmradio"]Good Friday is what Jesus did for you. This is the reason the world has HOPE. [/tweetthis] [ts_fab authorid="83" tabs="bio,twitter,facebook,latest_posts"]  

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