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Want to Be Famous? You Don't get There by Following Your Dreams.

Posted 9 years ago - Jul 11, 2016

From: WAY-FM
When asked how to become successful, Tauren Wells doesn't give an answer that you might expect. He knows the Christian music industry. He was part of a band called Royal Tailor, now has his own solo project that you can hear on WAY NEW. He spoke to a group of teens at Camp Electric about how to become famous and why following your dreams isn't the answer. [fluidvideo url="https://www.youtube.com/embed/r6bWXnMWXPo"]   Tauren said, "People ask me that dumb question: "How do I become famous?" ... I'm giving you the direct route right now. Follow presence. Because God's presence will take you places that you've never been before... I wasn't chasing a dream, I was following Jesus. I wasn't just trying to get on stage, I was trying to serve people. I wasn't just trying to be well-liked and well-loved, I was trying to do what I did well and pleasing to God... That's how I got to the Grammy red carpet. I wasn't following a dream, I was following Jesus." [tweetthis twitter_handles="@taurenwells, @campelectric, @wayfmradio"]How to get fame? "I wasn't chasing a dream, I was following Jesus."[/tweetthis] You can go to Camp Electric in person! Check out their website here.

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