Maybe you sing this song in church or you've heard it on WAY-FM, but have you ever taken a minute to let the words sink in?
Matt Maher sings powerful lyrics that teach us a lot about God and life. Here's 4 lessons you can take away from "Your Grace is Enough."
1. God wrestles with the sinner's restless heart.
Who are the sinners? Well, that's you and me, friend. Until Christ comes back to earth or we get heaven, we will be struggling with temptation and doing the wrong things. The good news is, God hasn't written us off because of it! Far from it! God is constantly chasing after us with love and grace.
"For sin is the sting that results in death, and the law gives sin its power. 57 But thank God! He gives us victory over sin and death through our Lord Jesus Christ."
- 1 Corinthians 15:56-57
2. God keeps His promises.
God has promised to provide for our needs (
Matthew 6:25-34), give us hope and comfort in hard times (
Psalms 119:49-50), reward us for our perseverance in following Him (
Hebrews 10:35-36), and so much more. When you see your life from God's perspective, everything starts falling into place. Focus on these promises today.
3. We are covered in God's love.
Romans 8:35-39 says there is nothing that can separate us from Christ's love. Did you hear that? NOTHING. God literally sent the only son He has to come and die so we could have a life with Him. (That's what
John 3:16 is all about! Give it a second look.)It's a truly beautiful love story. When you realize these facts, it can change the way you view yourself, life, and God for the better.
4. God's grace is enough. Period.
Next time life throws you a bad curve ball, remind yourself: It's ok because God is still with me and He is my delight. (
Psalm 37:4) Things probably won't look at all how you expected, but we can guarantee that a life with God will be more beautiful than you could have imagined.
God's grace is enough! Listen to Matt Maher play and sing the song right here.
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