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Dare to Care Honduras: Meeting Maria

Posted 10 years ago - Jan 13, 2015

From: Wally
Today was one of the most amazing days of my life. My wife and I got to meet our newest Compassion child, Maria. It is crazy to fall in love with someone in a matter of minutes but that is exactly what happened for both Mardi and me. D1 P1 Hugs This was an especially cool moment when I asked the group of kids if they had a sponsor, D1 P2 Sponsor Hand Raise and for the first time Maria got to raise her hand and we were there for that. D1 P3 fun We got to spend the day just loving on her and we got to see where she lived. It is a two room cement building that is about the size of my living room and 5 people share it. honduras maria home We wanted to give her some nice things and she lit up when she saw the Rapunzel doll, but I really liked how much she loved the special occasion dress. It made her feel like a princess. D1 P5 Gifts One nice thing is something that gives people who are mired down in poverty a feeling of dignity. I can see her wanting to wear that dress to church every Sunday. D1 P6 Lunch When we visit Compassion projects, the staff goes out of their way to take care of us and treat us as honored guests and today was just that with one exception. They asked us to serve lunch to the kids and, I have to tell you, this was one of the greatest things I have ever done in my life. To have the opportunity to feed these kids a small meal and to serve them is beyond humbling. It was also hard because you want to fill up each plate with as much food as you can, but you can’t because you have to make sure every child gets to eat. This small portion of plantains and single scoop of stew was it for these kids today. It just doesn’t seem right, we waste more in one meal than these kids get to eat in a day and I was responsible for handing out the right amount. That part wrecked me a little today. [fluidvideo url="//www.youtube.com/embed/-mhLV-SH4Ns"] It was nice to end the day with kids just being kids. We played tons of games. Note to self…next time learn balloon animals. Jump rope almost killed me. D1 P8 Bye Leaving Maria was one of the saddest things we have done in a while. It is so hard because you know the world you are returning to and you know the world in which you are leaving them in. Today strengthened my resolve to not only do everything I can do to help Maria, but also to make a difference for all the kids we met. I challenge you to live a life with Compassion and Dare to Care. Hondurus Compassion banner

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Wally is a radio host and social media content creator who's been doing this for over 30 years! “I love to make people laugh with me, but I am self-aware enough to know that most of the time is at me."

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