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Lauren Daigle Shares Her Childlike Side and Her Favorite Things

Posted 6 years ago - May 24, 2019

From: Wally
It’s always a delight to sit down with Lauren Daigle, especially with her new album “Look Up, Child” out. She shared how the 8-year-old version of Lauren sees the world and what she’s been up to since her last album. Plus, we challenged her to decide if quotes were said by “powerhouse preachers” or “powerhouse singers.” [fluidvideo url=""]
:00--What she's learned in her season of rest 2:48--How to approach the world in a childlike way 9:53--What her new song "Losing My Religion" is actually about 13:32--Powerhouse preachers vs. powerhouse singers
She also did a rapid fire round with a few of her favorite things, including who she looks up to most. [fluidvideo url=""]  

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Wally is a radio host and social media content creator who's been doing this for over 30 years! “I love to make people laugh with me, but I am self-aware enough to know that most of the time is at me."
