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The Movie Millions of People are Talking About

Posted 11 years ago - Aug 5, 2014

From: WAY-FM
GND_Poster God's Not Dead. It's a simple statement that has turned quite a few head over the past year. The movie made of $60 Million at the box office and it's now out on DVD and Blu-Ray! The film follows a college freshman challenged to prove God's existence by an Atheist professor. Our very own WAY-FM band, The Newsboys, shows up in the movie. In fact, if you didn't notice it already, the movie comes alongside their song by the same name - "God's Not Dead (Roaring Like a Lion.)" Some favorites from the popular TV show, Duck Dynasty's Willie and Korie Robertson, also show up in the movie. Get behind the scenes and hear from the actors in this short clip. [fluidvideo url="//www.youtube.com/embed/2L269P6J0jA?list=UUUEBVx8KL_IHTJfWYv-J3DA"]   As of today, God's Not Dead is out on DVD and Blu-Ray, so if you haven't seen it yet, here's your chance! If you're already a fan, here's your chance to share it with your friends and enjoy it again.

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