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For some reason the guys in Mercy Me love to sneak up and scare me. Bart refers to my reaction as the "Standing Fetal Position." The worst part is now they have even convinced Producer Zach to join their evil alliance. He gets photo credit for this one. READY SET GO!
We created the first ever Losers Lounge backstage at the Dove awards. The idea was that we would only interview someone if they lost. Well two of my favorite losers did not come by the lounge so I had to improvise.
John and I were talking about his new album, then he decided to try to put me on the spot.
I had a great night with John Cooper From Skillet Skille-Tee-doo here in Nashville. It was definitely a one of a kind cool for me when they did the Wally version of Those Nights.
I am so excited cause I get to hang with John Cooper from Skillet, Skilleteedoo and thanks to Becki from Huntville I will be in style when I rock this shirt for the interview
Based on the fact that Ryan the Temp interns for this radio show he was asked to DJ a Wal-Mart fashion show. Based on that logic since I fly Southwest Airlines a lot I should be allowed to fly the plane.
We have started to play a new game with Betty that most times she doesn't know she is playing until she is ready to leave. At some point during the show I steal something from Betty without her knowing then hide it. Then we revert to fourth grade rules and play Hot or Cold. This time Betty is lo
Intern Billy had a crush on Intern Betty so he worked up the nerve to ask her out live on the air and this is what happened. Sure she looks cute but...Brutal
Betty swears she did this to my knuckles on accident...yeah right.
I found out that Intern Betty sings at her church. I think it is safe to say you won't believe your ears!
She's here!!