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E-MESS: Foster Care

Posted 13 years ago - Mar 25, 2012

From: Wally
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E-Mess-smileyHi Wally I don’t know if you even go through and read your e-mails but I really feel like I should tell you this. Just six months ago I was taken out of my house by law enforcement and forced into a foster care system. While I am glad to be out of my house, going through the foster care system can be brutal especially being a 17 year old girl coming from an addicted family. I soon found out that virtually no family would be willing to take me in even if I made straight A’s in school and started 3 varsity sports. I had nobody to talk to and I went into a dark place where I spoke to no one for nearly a month and a half and to top it off... nobody even noticed. Finally after 4 months of going from house to house and never saying a single word to the families, a loving family that already had five very young children of their own took me in. At first I thought it would be no different but these people were self proclaimed “Christians”. I didn’t know who this Jesus was although I had heard his name spoken in the occasional curse word. They tried and tried to get me to open up to this idea of a ‘God’ but I wouldn’t buy it. They were so nice about it and never forced me to go to Church or pray out loud, but I just refused to listen. They had tried to get me to show some sort of emotion or even show that I was hearing what they were saying but I just lived day by day as somebody just going through the actions. Then one day in the car my ‘dad’, getting frustrated that I refused to tell him how my day went, turned on the radio. I started to listening to this song “More” by a guy called Matthew West. This song sparked my interest and I remember asking myself- who does this person love so much? and after that, two DJ’s named Wally and Zach came on. You began talking and for the first time in nearly a year I began to laugh. Actually laugh!!!! I hadn’t laughed in so long that it was awkward and really sounded like I was coughing or something. This happened last week and my ‘dad’ was so shocked/excited that I had finally broke out of my shell that he started to cry. I literally laughed the whole way home just listening to you two talk about something that really wasn’t even very religious but this humor and fun is what opened me up to what you had to say about Christ. This family tried for weeks to get me just to listen to them about God and this Jesus character and it only took you five minutes. All I needed was that good laugh. So like I said, you may not even read this, but if you do, Thank You. Thank You with all my heart. You and Zach have literally changed my life and although I realize that this doesn’t mean things will be perfect from here on out, it’s nice to know I’m not alone and that there are amazing people like you that will cheer me up in no time. Thanks again.
Wally-E-Mess-iconI do read all my email and I am so glad I got yours. Thank you so much for sharing your story with me. It means a lot to me that I was part of it. God uses weird things to get our attention sometimes and I am so glad he got yours. I am really glad you are getting to a better place in your life and can find some peace. The thing about this is you have the ability to do the same thing for someone else someday, that is how this works. Somebody helped me back in the day to get out of a dark place and I am forever grateful to them for allowing God to use them. God will do amazing things with you and through you if you let him. Thanks again for sharing this with me. You might not know this but I really needed this tonight. Today was a bad day for me personally and I didn't even want to go to work tomorrow. Thank you for reminding me what's important. Take care Wally_signature    

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Wally is a radio host and social media content creator who's been doing this for over 30 years! “I love to make people laugh with me, but I am self-aware enough to know that most of the time is at me."

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