E-MESS: Boycotting
Posted 14 years ago - Dec 13, 2010
From: WallyDear Wally, You've missed the point about boycotting Home Depot. Information from the Kansas Family Policy Council shows photos of parades in which children are encouraged to support gay and lesbians. Some of the demonstrations included topless women parading in front of children. Employees are not allowed to wear religious buttons or bring Bibles to work, but any form of homosexuality is applauded. This is not merely tolerance of those choosing an alternative lifestyle. Some Christians today seem to adopt a "live and let live" attitude, but is that what Christ taught? In the Old Testament, God did not tell Lot to accept the depravity around him and the different lifestyles in Sodom - rather, He removed Lot and destroyed the city! I am not homophobic. My brother is gay, but he doesn't flaunt his lifestyle just as I don't flaunt my sexuality. My daily sins are no less ugly in the sight of God than his are. I don't have to accept his actions but I still love him. If he participated in actions such as Home Depot employees though, I couldn't have a relationship with him. Boycotting a business also means calling or writing them to point out why I take this action. I boycott the Susan Komen Foundation because they contribute to Planned Parenthood and to fetal stem cell research. One of our local Christian radio stations announced the run for the foundation. I wrote to them twice and included information about the foundation's policies, but the ads continued. It was shocking to me that a Christian station would approve funding abortion, and I will never again be able to listen to them because of this memory. Would you advocate supporting a business that condones a practice you find abhorrent? What about that God finds abhorrent?
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Wally is a radio host and social media content creator who's been doing this for over 30 years! “I love to make people laugh with me, but I am self-aware enough to know that most of the time is at me."