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The Wally Show

For One Project: Tears of Joy

Posted 12 years ago - Jan 18, 2013

From: Wally


Today was an incredibly emotional day as we visited a Compassion project on the outskirts of Medan in Indonesia.


This place wrecked me today as kid after kid told us their story.  This one boy in particular hit me straight in the heart.  He sobbed as he talked of how much being in the Compassion program has meant to him since his father abandoned him and his family.  Like any kid, he told us through his tears, that his prayer is that one day his father will come home.  When he finished I felt I had to get out of my seat and say something to him, but what?



I couldn't say your dad will come home cause I don't know the situation so all I could do was encourage him to be the man of the house now, and to trust God to give him the strength and wisdom to do that, but that is a tall order when you are twelve.  I tried to encourage him the best I could, but in the end I just hugged him tightly.  I am sure he would have given anything for that hug to be from his father but for today mine would have to do. 



It was also cool to walk through the dirty, dusty streets of this town and do one of the other things we came here to do; hand our Vani Bands. 



Thanks again to everyone that sent in some bands.  The kids absolutely loved them.  This picture was taken when things were still calm, but It quickly escalated to a Vani Band feeding frenzy.


If you want to see some more pretty cool pics from today check out facebook.com/wallyshow.  Next week we are going to try to get 2000 of the kids we met matched with sponsors so please be thinking about this and if it is right for you and your family.  I can tell you first hand, the difference you make in the lives of this kids is nothing short of a miracle for them.

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About the Author


Wally is a radio host and social media content creator who's been doing this for over 30 years! “I love to make people laugh with me, but I am self-aware enough to know that most of the time is at me."

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