How a Christian Song Led to a Murder Confession
Posted 6 years ago - Aug 29, 2019
From: BekahIt's no secret that God uses Christian music to change lives in radical ways. That's certainly the case for Danny Holmes, who confessed to a 2016 first degree murder after hearing Big Daddy Weave's song "Redeemed."
We talked to Joshua Crain, who was Danny's lawyer during the trial, and the path that led to that confession is one that gave all of us goosebumps.
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As the trial began, Danny leaned over to his lawyer and said, "Josh, I can't do this. I've gotta go all in for the Lord if I'm gonna go at all." Before either side could present their arguments, Danny pled guilty to every charge.
Why the change of heart? During the 3 years leading up to his trial, Danny began a relationship with God that transformed him from convict to convert.
His lawyer, who got to witness Danny's full transformation, wasn't too surprised when Danny accepted the charges saying, "As his attorney, I certainly have to look out for his legal interest. But as a Christian, I'm more concerned about his soul. And I know that Danny knew what he was doing,"
Danny was inspired to confess after including a few lyrics in the notes he took to court with him. From the Big Daddy Weave song Redeemed, he wrote: "Then you look at this prisoner and say to me, "Son, stop fighting a fight that's already been won.'"
When Danny saw those lyrics on his notepad in the courtroom, he told his lawyer, "This whole time, I've been thinking that the truth would set me free, and it was a physical freedom. But that's not what it is, Josh. It's a spiritual freedom. God is going to set me free spiritually, but I have to tell the truth."
[tweetthis]"God is going to set me free spiritually, but I have to tell the truth." -Danny Holmes, inspired by Big Daddy Weave's "Redeemed" to confess to a murder #wayfm @bdwmusic [/tweetthis]
According to the Murfreesboro Daily News Journal, Danny also said from the stand that he was praying for the victim's family and accepted his responsibility and consequences for their loss.
Before he officially began his life sentence, his lawyer got to be a part of baptizing Danny as Danny vowed to share his testimony with those he encounters in prison.
Sharing Danny's story is by no means an attempt to excuse his actions or to minimize the pain felt by the family of his victim. Instead, we share it to underscore the power of God's redemption and to serve as a reminder to us all that none of us are beyond the scope of God's love and forgiveness.
[tweetthis]We know that God uses Christian music to change lives in radical ways. But this story of life change gave all of us goosebumps. #wayfm @bdwmusic [/tweetthis]