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The Wally Show is growing to new stations and Star 93.5 FM, our new home in Jackson, MS sent us some shirts. See if you can spot the wardrobe malfunction.
Tomorrow, Wally embarks on the Breast Cancer 3-Day in Atlanta. It's a very important and personal cause for him and his family, and he'll do anything he can to support it.
Wally loves that Zach once taught a cheerleading clinic and he'll use any excuse he can to get see a cheer.
Wally has instituted a Hug of the Day practice where he gives Betty Rock a different hug every day to cheer her up. His latest original hug was the Intern Hug, and we're sure you'll agree it should never be repeated.
Jon Acuff, author of Stuff Christians Like and a new book called "Quitter" on the Grand Canyon University web camera. You can submit a question for our Dear Jon segment.
Wally has a passion for supporting our troops and wanted to give one soldier a special sendoff before he returns to Afghanistan.
Kevin from 1 Eighty Apparel stopped by the studio. Wally wanted some more free shirts and made that clear in a not-so-subtle way.
Last week, we offered the Monvee test to determine which Bible character you're most like. Now it's time to answer a far less important question: Who on The Wally Show are you most like?
Aaron Shust live on the Grand Canyon University web cam.
An unexpected delivery had Wally guessing, but when he discovered what it was, it was beyond any of his…um, we mean his daughter's…wildest dreams.
We have a special deal with Monvee so we can offer you a free assessment. The 5 minute test will help you discover who you're most like in the Bible. It'll also tell you how you think and learn, how you connect with God and what gets in the way of your growth. Just click the logo to begin!
This is pretty cool. A 29 year old deaf girl, who with the help of a device, got to hear voice for the first time. As you can imagine she didn’t know how to react and she just started crying.
I wanted to win another World's Best Dad coffee mug, so I took my daughter to a Justin Bieber video shoot to catch a glimpse of the Biebs. One of our lives was changed forever. (Use this link if the video below doesn't work.)
Katie Rose moved into our office and so we took the opportunity to formally welcome her to the team. Enjoy your new desk Katie Rose!
Check out Wally's announcement about The Wally Show.
Wally asked Betty to cat-sit while he was gone on vacation. Betty put the apartment keys he entrusted her with to good use.
I always like to make sure that Betty knows how much I appreciate her. I try to tell her creatively but she doesn't always understand.
Royal Tailor brings healing to Wally's painful childhood by taking a page from his 6th grade journal and turning it in to a song.
Betty Rock's birthday is on Cinco de Mayo and since I give her a hard time all year long, I make sure to give her a great birthday present.
Betty Rock “won” Wally’s eulogy contest the day before his big stomach surgery.
Newsboys bring healing to Wally's painful childhood by taking a page from his 6th grade journal and turning it in to a song.
> Wally, A few weeks ago, your show started off with a five minute complaint about the horrible service you were given by an India-based retail company. Afterward, you told your listeners to call in and tell you about instances where they have been ripped off by companies. God says through the Bible
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