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The Wally Show

Photo Op: Wally is Committed to His Cause

Posted 5 years ago - Mar 10, 2020

From: Bekah
Photo Op is where Wally confiscates our phones and checks out the last photo we took. Which photo do you like the best?     Gavin: Whenever my wife is traveling, our dog cuddles up where she usually sits. I think she likes my wife more than she likes me!            

Betty: My cousin and I were born with the same sense of humor so to celebrate graduating from Colorado Christian University with honors and 2 bachelor degrees, my cousin photoshopped a picture of Conway Twitty, a country star our Grandma had a crush on, cheering me on!

          Bekah: This is the trash can next to our bed. My husband gets up in the middle of the night to eat fruit snacks. Apparently, it's gotten out of hand.          Wally:

I am just as committed to my plastic straw cause as the paper straw people...so much so, I embarrassed my daughter when we were having coffee at a “no plastic straws” coffee house. I went out to my truck and got my emergency Mcdonald’s straw so I could drink my drink.

      [tweetthis]In today's photo op, Wally remained committed to his cause, and Betty found a new cheerleader. What's the most recent photo on your phone? 📸 [/tweetthis]

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