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The Wally Show

Photo Op: What's the Last Photo You Took?

Posted 6 years ago - Apr 12, 2019

From: Zach
Photo Op is where Wally confiscates our phones and checks out the last photo we took. Which photo do you like the best? Top-Left: I was at my daughter's college and saw this poster for a Colton Dixon show on campus. I couldn't help but feel bad for Colton cause it seems like they are bribing kids with chapel credit to show up. If I was doing a Christian college tour I would just name my band Chapel Credit so all my shows would be packed. -Wally Top-Right: My wife owns a bunch of VHS tapes and ever since we moved out to Nashville I've been watching them non-stop. They definitely remind me of the joy they brought me when I was younger. -Gavin Bottom-Left: While my wife renewed her driver's license, I had a nice picnic with my daughter. I bought this blanket 16 years ago at a gas station when I forgot my sleeping bag on a camping trip. -Zach Bottom-Right: When picking out a prize with his Dave & Busters tickets, Gavin went straight for a unicorn mask that, after putting it on, he couldn't get off. -Betty  

What's the most recent photo on your phone? Post it in the comments! No cheating!


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