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The Most Surprising Game of "Would You Rather" We've Ever Played

Posted 10 years ago - Apr 30, 2015

From: Wally

I’ve always hated the “Would you Rather” game. Usually both choices you’re given are less than desirable, and you’re stuck trying to weigh your hypothetical options. Would you rather: have purple skin or green hair? Would you rather: have a loud neighbor or a rude coworker?

Would you rather: drink contaminated water or pool water? I wish that last one were hypothetical, but it’s the daily choice for the people of Numappolo.

Bekah Day 2 featured image maybe ZB2_7524

Fewer than 1% of them have access to clean water. The rest either drink the water that makes them violently ill, or they add chlorine to the water in an attempt to make it a little cleaner. The chlorine option might be better, but it still causes major health issues, especially if they’re not trained in how to add it correctly.

Dorcas, however, refuses to play the ‘Would you Rather” game.

Bekah Dorcas

She’s named after Dorcas in the Bible who was “always doing kind things for others and helping the poor” (Acts 9:36), and she fits her namesake perfectly. She’s a 26-year-old woman who saw the life-changing difference clean water and good hygiene practice made in her own family.

It’d be easy to call that the end of the story, but Dorcas told us that she could never keep what she’s learned to herself, because as she says, “that would be selfish.” She now works hard to teach her neighbors what she’s learned to improve her community’s health.


Dorcas is doing amazing things at a young age, but she can’t do it alone. That’s why I can’t wait for next week when we get to join Dorcas in her vision of providing as many people as possible with access to clean water.

Bekah Dorcas FEATURED

Next week, you won’t have to play the “would you rather” game. You’ll have the opportunity to Drill it AND Fill it.

2015 Wally Show on white-347-EditBy Bekah

Co-host/Producer of The Wally Show

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Wally is a radio host and social media content creator who's been doing this for over 30 years! “I love to make people laugh with me, but I am self-aware enough to know that most of the time is at me."

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