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What Christian Movies Mean to Mandisa

Posted 5 years ago - Aug 16, 2019

From: Bekah
Mandisa's song "Overcomer" is featured in the new Kendrick Brothers movie "Overcomer." But their movies meant something to her personally when she was fighting the hardest battle of her life. [fluidvideo url=""] [tweetthis].@MandisaOfficial 's song may be in the new @OvercomerMovie by the @KendrickBros 🤗 But what their movies mean to her is bigger than the plot of any Christian film.. ❤ #wayfm #OvercomerMovie[/tweetthis] The Kendrick Brothers also told us more about the new movie and their decision to overtly share the gospel in their films. Plus, they competed against Mandisa in a game to find out who the true Christian movie buff is. [fluidvideo url=""]

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