We know God has a plan, but does anyone else have a hard time seeing it? If you're struggling to trust God right now, you should check out one of my favorite videos from The Bible Project. Their videos are absolutely stunning and keep my attention every time. This one starts with several Bible stories you know - Adam and Eve, Abraham, the end times... but then it shows you how they all fit together…


“I don’t know what is wrong with me,” my friend Gina lamented as we enjoyed a rare afternoon cup of coffee together. “I’ve always loved my time with God, but lately I just feel antsy, like I’m being put in a timeout or something. Five minutes, and I’m done!” I’ve been hearing this kind of thing a lot lately. People feel so harried that they can hardly find space for being alone with God, and…


“For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war after the flesh: (For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds;) Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ;” (2 Corinthians 10:3-5 KJV) As child, I was sexually violated by an adult male who…


“Miscarriage is so common, it happens all the time.” I have heard this many times in the years since my first miscarriage, and again in the weeks since my second. Yeah, I get it, this happens a lot. Does knowing this fact make it any easier? No. Does knowing this negate the horrible way I feel about it? No. Does knowing this stop the onslaught of tears at random times during the day? Nope. In…


Sometimes, life doesn’t go as we’ve planned. The test results come back—and they’re not good. The relationship ends. The money doesn’t come in. Infertility lingers. The dream doesn’t come true. So what do we do when it feels like our prayers go unanswered? When the things we’ve been asking God to fix for so long remain broken or unclear? After my own twenty-year journey of praying the same prayer and not (yet) seeing it answered,…


Our home is a welcoming place to grandkids and granddogs alike. One day we were watching Bailey, our ten-year-old golden retriever granddog from the Waco division of Burchett Incorporated. She is a regal and beautiful girl who loves to swim. We took our Maggie and Bailey out to the pool to do just that. Maggie swims like she is competing for the final Olympic-team spot. She goes full bore to the end, jumps out, shakes…
