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Be The Message

Posted 10 years ago - Sep 8, 2014


Taking Your Faith Beyond Words To A Life Of Action

be the message cover art  What would happen if we talked about God less and walked with God more?

Be the Message reminds us that Christianity was meant to be a faith of action, not a faith of words. Yet often we sacrifice doing    something for the sake of talking about it. When we actually act out on our faith, we find our faith grows even more.

People’s lives are changed when you allow your life to be the gospel to the world.

Living out the gospel in the world today is both simple and costly.  The Shooks explore that paradox through biblical stories and their  own experience of making a decision to live out the gospel in practical ways.  Choosing to be the gospel changed their family, church  and personal relationships with God.

   How can it change your life?

   Read the first chapter

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kerry shookchris shook

Kerry and his wife, Chris, founded Woodlands Church, formerly Fellowship of The Woodlands, in 1993; and since then, the church has grown to 17,000 in average attendance each weekend.

Kerry Shook is one of today’s most gifted communicators offering a clear, contemporary and creative teaching style.  Kerry believes that church should be engaging and fun, calling it “The Best Hour of Your Week.” He strives to eliminate the barriers of boredom, unfriendliness and fear that keep people from experiencing not just religion but a relationship with Jesus Christ. His messages are relevant, and his illustrations memorable.

Chris is the Director of Missions and Women’s Ministry at Woodlands Church. Her missions’ work has touched thousands of under-resourced people locally and in numerous countries around the world. Her Women’s Ministry is one of the largest in the country providing fellowship, worship and Bible study opportunities to hundreds of women each week.

Kerry Shook Ministries is a worldwide television ministry that broadcasts to a local, national and international audience.  Pastor Kerry and Chris can now be seen by millions in 50 states and over 200 countries worldwide.

Kerry and Chris have been married twenty-five years and have four children.

You can find The Shook’s at their website or Facebook.


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