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From TikTok to the Throne Room: Creating Space to Hear from God

Posted 3 weeks ago - Jan 15, 2025

From: Betty Rock

You know, some say nothing good comes from social media, but I beg to differ. Recently while scrolling through TikTok, I came across a video of a girl who wanted to grow closer to God but constantly found herself getting distracted. So, to help with that, she designed a small space in her apartment just for prayer. There wasn’t much to it – a couple of twinkly lights, a notebook, and a Bible. That video got me thinking about my own relationship with God and how it could use some major improvement. So, I got to work and made my own little prayer place in my closet.

With God now pointing out prayer as a priority for me, it came as no surprise to me when my pastor announced that following Sunday we would be starting a new series on prayer. We started from the very beginning: How we can hear from God.

  • Be available
    • Sometimes I go into prayer thinking “I’m not going to get anything from this. Why am I doing this? I’m wasting time.” This way of thinking sets me up for failure. I’m not saying God can’t still speak to me. He can! But I’m sure not helping matters much with my doubt. Instead, set aside the time for prayer. Make it a priority. Be available to God so He can have your full attention.
  • Be still
    • A lot of times I use my prayer time to talk…and talk…and talk. I do all the talking and never listen. Instead, come to God with no agenda. Come to Him ready to listen. (My first time doing this, I realized all the “noise” in my head God was having to get through just to say anything!)
  • Be ready
    • What I love about God is He can and will use anything to get His message across to you. His word is always a good avenue but He’s also been known to use circumstances as well as the people you come across throughout the day. So be ready! Be expectant! And when it happens, don’t doubt it. Walk in the victory God has given you. You are worth speaking to but you got to be ready!

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