Are You Beautiful?
Posted 11 years ago - Jul 11, 2014
From: CJ & JoyEvery woman asks themselves the question, "Am I beautiful?"
If you are me, then you ask it several times a day!
We desire beauty, but our definition of beauty is constantly changing. Every commercial we see is selling us a new product that will make us "beautiful." The world around us feeds into our insecurities by continually telling us we are not enough and not beautiful without whatever they have to offer. But deep down inside we all know that the latest pair of jeans is not our answer to real beauty. The beauty we crave to see in ourselves is much deeper. It's below our makeup, clothing, and even skin. We know beauty lies in our soul created by God.
We seek out the mirror to answer our question of "Am I beautiful?"
We seek out comments on our instagram photo to tell us "Am I beautiful?"
We even seek validation in those around us to help us see if we have true beauty.
This article on beauty reminded me to start asking God the question, "Am I beautiful?"
At first ,I didn't think this was an ok question to ask-GOD. However, the closer I get to His heart , the more He is showing me my beauty through His eyes. Validation only comes from our creator who truly sees you as beautiful inside and out.
Want to know how to be even more beautiful? This article on beauty will help you dig deeper.