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In The Zone

Posted 11 years ago - Aug 25, 2014

From: CJ & Joy
Screen Shot 2014-08-25 at 5.44.59 PMWhen you are in your element things just feel...easier. That's something I learned this weekend watching my girlfriend return to gymnastics for the first time in 6 years. Back in the day, she was an amazing gymnast. Like, as seen on TV competing type status. She left the sport once she got to college and hasn't touched it in nearly 6 years. This past weekend we were at her dad's gymnastics gym and she decided to give it a go again. Call it muscle memory or just falling back into a sport she loved or whatever...it was nearly as if she never left. A few back flips later and I was thoroughly impressed. As I sat there watching her back tuck herself into a foam pit I wondered if this is what its like for us when we are walking in God's calling for our lives. When you are in the zone, that specific calling God has for your life things just come easy. I am not saying LIFE comes easy. Life is still hard. But your steps feel more sure. Your direction feels more set. Your path gives you peace. Things just feel better. Watching Amber back on the mat, reminded me of all the times I was in that calling that God had for me. VASTLY DIFFERENT from all the times I was out of it. When I questioned who I was, what I was supposed to do or where I should be. Confusion and fear helped me make decisions back then and that's not what God has for us. Watching Amber this weekend reminded me to return to my first love. God. And make sure I am walking in exactly what He has called me to. Maybe you can take a moment and do the same. Return to your Heavenly Father and ask Him to get you back in the zone he has called you to be in. -Carlos

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