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Middays with Joy

Joy's Eulogy to Her Beloved Camper "Blue Steel"

Posted 7 years ago - Feb 28, 2018

From: CJ & Joy
  Today, we say a hard goodbye to "Blue Steel," my Mazda 3.

Gone too soon, Blue Steel left us at the age of 7.

While Blue Steel will always be remembered as the bright, blue camper van with the sassy butterfly sticker on the back. To me, he was so much more. He was my best friend. I will never find a better listener, lane changer, or dance partner.

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I remember the first time I met Blue Steel. As I climbed into the driver seat I looked up and noticed something shiny. Embedded in the ceiling was a tiny piece of glitter, that's when I knew: this was MY camper van!

Blue Steel's favorite locations to frequent were Chick-Fil-A and Kroger to buy more ranch. Quite the party animal, Blue Steel was always ready for a good time. Constantly carrying a volleyball, kite, frisbee, and camping chair, Blue Steel was prepared for a last minute night with friends.

I will never forget all the tears I cried into that steering wheel as I drove to a brand new state to move my whole life. Blue Steel saw me scared, nervous, and so happy I couldn't help but sing at the top of my lungs. I even wrestled with God over some of the hardest moments in life while with Blue Steel. The best part is Blue Steel never judged me. He was consistently there for me day after day after day. But now he's gone.

[tweetthis twitter_handles="@wayafternoons"]Gone too soon, Blue Steel left us at the age of 7.[/tweetthis]

Our favorite memories together were when I spilled Chick-Fil-A sauce all down his steering wheel and when he drove my new husband and me to our wedding reception. Blue Steel thought it was hilarious when I tried to stuff my huge wedding dress into the passenger seat!

Though he is gone, the memories remain. Blue Steel, thanks for being dependable, a great friend, and for giving your own life to protect mine. You are the best!

Blue Steel is survived by his only owner, Joy Summers.

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