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Northern Colorado's WayFM

When Your Problems Feel Big and God Feels Small

Posted 9 years ago - Apr 5, 2016

From: CJ & Joy
Problems Big God Small Christian music has the power to jolt us out of our mundane, stagnant lives and to remind us of truths we didn't know we forgot. 
I was sitting there in the crowd like a thousand other women. I was listening to the speakers on the stage and singing along with the songs. I was going through the motions (something that had become far too common for me.) It was a typical night at a WAYFM event I was working. It was called "Dare to Be," a women's event hosted by Natalie Grant. The message of the night was beautiful and encouraging, but I was too busy thinking about my stressful schedule and work load to fully pay attention UNTIL Natalie Grant got up to sing one of her new songs. As I thought to myself for the 50th time that night, "How am I going to get everything done by tomorrow morning," the words of the song stopped me in my tracks.

"When did I forget that you've always been the king of the world" cut through my stressful thoughts and drew me in.

Then I heard, "How could I make you so small When you're the one who holds it all."

I had been so stressed trying to do it ALL when I honestly can't. In my own strength it's not possible. I can't keep all the plates spinning. I can't perfectly maintain every friendship . I can't keep my house perfectly clean. I can't always be a step ahead at work. I can't always be the perfect girlfriend, employee, and daughter. The good news is: That's ok! How did I forget that I have a God to lean on who has infinite power?How do I always end up in this place where I am simply surviving and striving to do things in my own strength? I have found time and time again that music doesn't necessarily teach us new things but remind us of what we need to hear. I needed to hear that my God is BIGGER. I know that I can rely on God, but I forget. I didn't even notice that my problems and stress had been growing as my view of God had been shrinking. They are connected. This song from Natalie Grant was the wake up call that I needed to adjust my view of God remembering that he is more than the box I have put him in. His power is enough for me on my hardest day.   [fluidvideo url="https://www.youtube.com/embed/r6NfOJl26F4"]   [tweetthis]Christian music can jolt us out of our stagnant lives and remind us of truths we didn't know we forgot #WAYFM [/tweetthis] [ts_fab authorid="40" tabs="bio,twitter,latest_posts"]

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