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Middays with Joy

Why You Shouldn't Give Into Fear

Posted 10 years ago - Oct 21, 2014

From: CJ & Joy
It's the time of year again when FEAR is highlighted. Scary movies are on TV, haunted houses are everywhere but I will be hiding under my blankets, thank you very much. Overcome Fear Fear can have more of a control over us then we even realize. I had no idea that I was living motivated by fear until someone close to me pointed it out. I'm learning that fear is a choice. I have a say! But every single day I can choose to obey God or obey my fear. God wants me to let go of my fear in several areas: Fear of the past. We've all been hurt and sometimes that pain does not stay where we put it. It invades every part of our lives. The pain from our past can lead to fear in our future. I so often apply old fears to new circumstances. I've been hurt by a bad roommate situation, so I often find myself reacting to my new roommate as if she is going to do the same things. I brace myself for things that may not even happen! This isn't even fair to my new roommate. I'm not giving her a fair chance because my old fears are being applied to my new situation. This is dangerous but we do it so often! We have to deal with the root issue of the fear and let it go! Fear of today. When you start being paralyzed by fear then it's affecting your every day life. I realized that I operate out of fear every day. I don't want to take chances, because I'm afraid I might fail. I don't want to gain too much success, because I'm afraid  I won't know what to do with it. I'm afraid to let people in because they can hurt me. Must I go on?? I could list my fears for DAYS. I am letting my fear of today keep me from moving forward. It is keeping me from being able to do what God wants me to do. When we give into fear we are choosing not to boldly follow God. God wants to free us from our fear and USE us to do great things. Fear of the future. My mom is a worrier. She always has been. Sadly, I inherited that from my mom. I worry about my future. Where will I be in a year? What's going to happen to me and those I love? If you walk down the road of fearing the future it will drive you crazy. The only way to let go of a fear of the future is TRUST. We don't know what the future will bring but we have to trust that whatever it is God will walk through it with us. Giving into fear cripples us and everyone in our world will suffer from it. I am learning every single day to choose to obey God and not give into my fear. It's not even a choice you make once, it's a daily battle. But I for one am ready to FIGHT. Photo credit: Kevin B 3, Sean MacEntee, and flickr.com

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