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Be the First to Hear the Amazing New Sidewalk Prophets Album!

Posted 10 years ago - Aug 27, 2015

From: John Osburn
sidewalk-prophets The new Sidewalk Prophets album, "Something Different" drops this week and you can hear it in full on WAY NEW! When asked about the title track from the album, Ben McDonald, lead guitarist and co-founder of the band, had some really insightful things to say about what the it means to them and what they hope it says to everyone who hears it.
"somethingdifferentIf you're wondering, "Something Different" is the statement of this record. That we are something different and that something different about us is Jesus Christ. And it's really our goal with this record to create a movement of people who are unashamed and bold in their faith and really just step up and say, 'There is something different about me and that something is Jesus Christ.' We invite you guys to really dig into this record and dig into this song. Let's make an impact and do something great." - Ben from Sidewalk Prophets
  Tune in to WAY NEW on your computer or smartphone at the times listed below to hear it first. [table id=3 /]

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