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How to Win Your Way Backstage to Meet Hillsong United

Posted 10 years ago - May 22, 2015

From: WAY-FM
HillsongUnitedBand Hillsong United will be playing at the Outcry Tour in Nashville, TN and we want to send YOU! Not only will you get to experience their incredible concert, but you'll get to sit down face-to-face with Hillsong United! Plus, Kari Jobe and Kristian Stanfill from Passion will be playing the show, so you'll get to meet them, too! Travel, concert tickets, coffee with Hillsong - everything's on us! In honor of this awesome tour and their brand new album called, "Empires," we're holding a little contest: Any time you hear the song, "Oceans," back to back with their new song, "Touch the Sky," - you have a chance to win! Just fill out the form below. [wufoo username="wayfm" formhash="q10n3j1x0zeqnve" autoresize="true" height="566" header="show" ssl="true"]

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